Tuesday 18 November 2014

Mixmag - Dance magazine

Mixmag magazine, is a big influence in creating my magazine as it is the most well known DANCE magazine.

Below are notes I took of the magazines front cover and DPS images to help develop my magazine:

The Front Cover:

  • colour scheme (blue,pink and white) Bright colours matches with item clothing.
  • skyline- expresses the magazine (genre) all in capitals.
  • The image (model) quiet zoomed back not too close to camera. 
  • item clothing bright makes him stand out.
  • props- hat makes dark shadow below eyes 
  • eyes directly towards the camera 
  • main features- pink linking with masthead and jacket. 
  • quotations are underlined and above and below masthead.

 DPS Images:

  • Image is up close (personal)
  • uses shadowy effect used for font cover (above and below the eyes)
  • Eyes are still directly looking towards the camera (still drawing towards the reader/audience)
  • use another position (holding the peak of the hat) 
  • This is used to cover the left eye (making the right eye more appealing)
  • Shadow over left shoulder
  • Includes main cover line (the artists name - Tiga) on right hand top corner front of soft pink box. written in capitals in black. 

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